Saturday, September 13, 2014

Getting underway and getting out of the way

We got underway this morning at about nine a.m.  While some scientists had to begin prepping the instruments, my only goal was to stay out of the way.

This is the suite of instruments that will go in the water to take samples.  The large gray bottles will collect water at different depths.  Jefrey is in it now, checking on the other instruments (which you therefore can't see) but he WON'T be in there when it goes into the water.  It's onto this structure that our bag of cups and heads will be tied.  We're in a garage-like space on the back deck, and I'm on a stairway so I can look down to take the picture.  FYI, if you stand on a stairway on a ship, you are almost certainly in the way.  So I didn't accomplish my one goal, but it's a nice shot, right?

We're underway, traveling out of the harbor, with Honolulu high-rises in view.  It's a gorgeous hot day, so right after this shot I had to choose between sunscreen and the indoors.

The new people on board got to try on our submersion suits, which are cooky-looking coveralls made of wet-suit-fabric. We are in the lounge - comfy couches and an enormous collection of DVD's.  (Kids: DVD's are how people watch movies when they don't have a good internet connection.  Ask your grandma.)
I am supposed to be resting, because I go on shift in about 3 hours.  I'll work the 12-hour shift from 3pm to 3am throughout the cruise.  I don't feel like sleeping now - I think I'll find a shady spot and a reputable novel (no shady novels.)  And I'll try again to stay out of the way.

1 comment:

Hawaiian Navigators - Gr 4 said...

Aloha, Mrs. Kassis. The fourth graders are looking forward to reading your blogs and hearing about the results of the cups and heads! We want to see how close our predictions are with the results. Love the photos and your selfie is awesome. Have fun and a safe journey at sea!